Let's book more events

ModaQuote helps you write beatiful, interactive proposals.

Beautiful Designs

  • create Easiest proposal design tools
  • lightbulb_outline Accept ideas and payments on-line
  • color_lens Color and Imagery get you noticed

Easy Ordering

  • local_florist Sums up the materials you need
  • shopping_cart Generate orders from quotes
  • flash_on Many events on one purchase order

Lowest Cost

  • access_alarm Build quotes more quickly
  • vpn_key No contracts.  No commitments.

Free Trial
No Tricks

Our Free Trial is the most generous in the industry.

Your first 3 quotes are free for as long as you like.

Subscribe only when you see the benefits of the site.

Easy, Simple, Fast

ModaQuote is designed for Florists that hate computers.

You are an artist, not a bean counter.

Just Type

Flower names are detected as you type.
One click makes an Order matching the Quote.

No more spreadsheets!

No Florist Math

ModaQuote calculates everything you need.
We even break down price by delivery location.

No more math headaches!

Instant Feedback

See quotes exactly as a client sees them.
Track changes and chat on the quote page.

No more lost e-mails!

Floristy is Art
Imagery & Color

Each quote becomes a mini pin-board for collaboration.
Add images to each item from the web, computer or personal catalog.

Florists offer proposals:

Teamwork is Science
Discussion & Engagement

ModaQuote tracks changes directly on the quote page.
Clients requests must be approved by the florist.

Clients give feedback:

Purchase Orders

Track Materials

Each Item has a material list.
We count up the totals needed.

Build Orders

Track orders by delivery date and vendor,
then include multiple clients in one order.

Assign Costs

Each Order assigns costs back
to the client when delivered.

Payments Made Easy

List the payment due dates in your quote.
Client clicks 'Pay Now' on each due date to pay.
The amount due changes when the quote changes.

Payments Made Safe

ModaQuote links to a PayPal account that you supply.
Clients pay an invoice that funds your account.
ModaQuote never touches the money or the bank info.

Proof is in the Peonies

Every image on this page shows a real wedding that was Designed, Signed, Paid and Delivered using

Receipts &

The hardest part of being a florist is predicting your income from one month to the next.

ModaQuote breaks it all down:
  • - Quotes sent
  • - Quotes booked
  • - Pay received
  • - Costs paid
Easily understood numbers, displayed by month and year.

Already Have Quotes?
We can convert them

You almost certainly have booked clients aready. Even good growth requires learning and change so we can help there too:

Send us one of your quotes, and we will translate it into a ModaQuote. It is free of charge once you start a free trial.

If you like the conversion, but don't have time to convert files yourself we will convert your entire book of business for a very small fee.
Just contact us for an estimate:

Any Questions?

We are always looking for ideas or ways to help.
Just let us know what you need: